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Yaniv Berg's unusual DSLR concept form factor

发布: 2010-8-16 22:30 |  作者: 设计联盟 |  来源: 设计联盟 |  查看: 27次

Yaniv Berg不寻常的单反相机的外形概念

最近我能看到一些美容摄影师街/时装摄影的人走在市内私人收藏的迈克尔勃兰特 。 (Though his professional work is available at the link above, the street shots are unfortunately not available for us to print here.) I was struck by how well-composed the shots are, and how close they are to subjects that seem completely natural and unaware of the camera. (虽然他的专业工作,可在上面的链接,街头枪声不幸没有我们这里来打印。)我印象深刻的有多好,组成的投篮,以及如何亲近,他们是完全自然的主题似乎与不知道的相机。 When I asked him how he consistently manages to get such shots, he said he shoots literally from the hip, having precalculated the focusing distance and discreetly pulling the trigger when his moving targets step into the field of focus.当我问他如何设法让他坚持这些镜头,他说,他从字面上芽髋关节后,预先计算的对焦距离,谨慎地扣动扳机时,他正在进入的重点领域目标的第一步。


从臀部射击是一个对我们最棘手的命题非专业人士,谁可以大概只有在拉倒装帮助它关闭了液晶显示器在一个角度,让我们来看看我们捕捉。 Designer Yaniv Berg's DSLR camera concept is designed specifically for the purpose, with a periscope-like form factor that forgoes the usual brick-and-cylinder body.设计师Yaniv伯格的数码单反相机的概念是专为宗旨,以潜望镜般的形式因素,它还取消了通常的砖和缸体。 We doubt it will take as the design seems to preclude eye-level photography, but we are interested to see younger designers rejecting a body shape that Cartier-Bresson was toting around in the '30s.我们怀疑它会以此作为设计似乎排除眼平摄影,但我们有兴趣地看到年轻的设计师拒绝了身体形态的布列松是在20世纪30年代身背周围。


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